Terms and Conditions
12-week program: How to Attract Downsizing Seniors as a Realtor
“5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home” and “Helping My Parents Move” booklets
Images for promoting 5 Pro Tips booklet on Facebook
Course: What to say about yourself when promoting your services for seniors
Self-guided version:
Refunds are not available for this version of the course.
Done-for-you version:
This version of the course includes access to the self-guided version + 2 meetings with me + two new versions of your bio written by me.
Partial refunds are available for this version of the course within 30 days of purchase, but only if you have not already had either of your 2 meetings with me or I have not already sent you a draft (partial or complete) of your new bio.
The amount of the refund will be the purchase price of the done-for-you version of the course minus the price of the self-guided version of the course.
You will continue to have access to the self-guided version of the course after you receive your refund.
You can apply for a partial refund by emailing me at paul@attractdownsizingseniors.com.
If you have had either of your 2 meetings with me or I have sent you a draft (partial or complete) of your new bio, no refund is available.
After 30 days from the date of purchase, no refund is available regardless of whether or not you have accessed any of the course materials or services.
12-week program: How to Attract Downsizing Seniors as a Realtor
Refunds are not available once the program has begun. However, if you withdraw from the program before it begins, you’ll receive a refund less a 15% administration fee.
If you need to pause your participation in the program part way through due to circumstances beyond your control, simply contact me and we can discuss the possibility of you resuming at a later date.
During the program, I will be “building out” a downsizing resource that can be used to attract seniors. If you wish to use it, you’ll need to purchase it separately. As a program participant, you’ll have the opportunity to purchase it at a discount.
“5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home” and “Helping My Parents Move” booklets
“5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home” and “Helping My Parents Move” are professionally-designed 16-page booklets that you can use to generate leads.
Upon making full payment, you will receive a link to upload your photo, logo, biographical introduction, call-to-action, and contact information so that they appear on page 15 in your own custom edition of the booklet.
Within a couple of days of uploading your information, you’ll receive two separate PDF files – your personalized booklet in ebook and print-ready formats.
You are responsible for reviewing the contents of each booklet before sharing it. Be sure they are accurate for your audience in your particular geographic area. Also be certain that any statements related to your knowledge, experience, expertise, or practices are also accurate and comply with real estate marketing regulations in your jurisdiction.
Content license
These booklets were created by Paul Cavanagh as a promotional tool for real estate agents who specialize in downsizing, particularly those who have an SRES, CSHP, Lifestyle55+ or similar designation.
The text of these booklets is copyrighted by Paul Cavanagh and may only be used – in whole or in part – by parties who are licensed to do so. The only text in the booklets that does not fall under this copyright is the text you provide for page 15 (introduction, call-to-action, and contact information).
Your payment grants you a lifetime, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to use these booklets to promote yourself as a real estate agent.
You cannot resell the booklets or their contents.
Uploading your information
You are responsible for uploading your own photo, logo, introduction, call-to-action, and contact information using the online form provided. PDFs of your personalized booklet in ebook and print-ready formats will only be prepared once you provide the necessary text and high-resolution images.
You attest that all information and images that you upload are accurate, up-to-date, and comply with any and all rules that govern marketing by real estate agents in your jurisdiction. Should your business information become outdated after you start using the booklet, you commit to either update it or stop using the booklet as a marketing tool.
You guarantee that you have the necessary rights to use the images and text that you upload.
Requesting changes to your booklet
When you receive the PDFs of your personalized booklet, you will have one opportunity to request changes, free of charge, to the content that you provided for page 15 of the booklet. You must make this request within 14 days of receiving the PDFs. Any changes requested after this period or any additional changes requested after your first request may be subject to a service charge.
The layout for page 15 is fixed. That means your text and images can be inserted, but their location on the page can’t be changed. Similarly, additional images can’t be added. This keeps the design of page 15 consistent with the rest of the booklet.
You can see a preview of page 15 for “5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home” here. Page 15 of “Helping My Parents Move” has a similar layout.
Changes to any other part of the booklets are not permitted.
The templates (e.g. sample landing pages) that accompany the booklets are also copyrighted by Paul Cavanagh and may only be used – in whole or in part – by parties who are licensed to do so.
If your payment includes the templates, you are granted a lifetime, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to use them as a complement to the booklet. You will receive the templates at the same time you receive the PDFs for the booklet.
The templates are provided as-is. You are welcome to make changes to them. As with the booklets, you cannot resell them (even if you modify them).
Refund policy
The booklets and templates are non-refundable once you submit your photo, logo, biographical introduction, and/or call-to-action, even if your submission is incomplete.
You may request a refund after you purchase your license but before you submit your photo, logo, biographical introduction, and/or call-to-action (in whole or in part). An administrative charge equal to 50% of the purchase price will apply.
Ready-to-share articles
These articles were created by Paul Cavanagh as a promotional tool for real estate agents who specialize in downsizing.
The text of these articles is copyrighted by Paul Cavanagh and may only be used – in whole or in part – by parties who are licensed to do so.
Your payment grants you a lifetime, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to use the text of these articles to promote yourself as a real estate agent.
You cannot resell these articles or their contents.
However, you may edit the contents before sending to recipients.
You are responsible for reviewing the contents of each article before sharing it. Be sure they are accurate for your audience in your particular geographic area. Also be certain that any statements related to your knowledge, experience, expertise, or practices are also accurate and comply with real estate marketing regulations in your jurisdiction. Make adjustments to the text as necessary before sharing.
All sales are non-refundable.
Images for promoting 5 Pro Tips booklet on Facebook
These images were designed specifically to promote “5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home” on Facebook. They contain text that quotes or otherwise relates to the booklet.
Your payment grants you a lifetime, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to use these images to promote “5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home”.
You’re responsible for posting them on social media yourself.
You cannot resell these images in whole or in part.
All sales are non-refundable.
Done-for-you setup of 5 Pro Tips ebook on Mailchimp
A landing page will be set up for you on Mailchimp for the ebook version of “5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home.”
Requirements: You must have a paid Mailchimp account (Essentials Plan or better). You must have also purchased “5 Pro Tips to Downsizing Your Home.”
You agree to grant access to your Mailchimp account so that the landing page can be created.
Landing page design
The landing page design is pre-determined. It includes a cover image of “5 Pro Tips”, a short blurb, an opt-in form that collects first name and email address, and an About Me section. You are responsible for providing a short passage for the About Me section. No further customization is included.
Visitors to the landing page who complete the opt-in form will automatically be added to your Mailchimp contact list and tagged as someone who downloaded “5 Pro Tips”. They will receive an automated email that provides them with a link that opens the ebook. (The ebook is stored on Mailchimp.)
Integration with your existing database
Where possible, your Mailchimp contact list will be synced with your existing database of leads using the integration app Zapier. Although Zapier offers integrations (“zaps”) between Mailchimp and a large number of real estate databases, we cannot guarantee that your database is one of them. If you wish to check this out in advance, we suggest Googling “Zapier Mailchimp [name of your database]”.
Requirement: You must have a Zapier account and grant access to that account to allow for your existing database and your Mailchimp contact list to be linked.
You may need to contact technical support at your existing database if issues arise with the Zapier integration.
To the best of our ability, we will test that the landing page is functioning properly.
Refund policy
A refund can only be requested before work begins on the landing page. A 25% administration fee will be applied to any refund issued.
Done-for-you automation of follow-up educational messages
Automations will be created in Mailchimp to deliver a series of up to 6 educational emails about downsizing (a drip campaign) to leads in your Mailchimp contact list.
Requirements: You must have a paid Mailchimp account (Essentials Plan or better). You must have also purchased a minimum of 5 educational emails from Attract Downsizing Seniors.
You agree to grant access to your Mailchimp account so that the automations can be created.
To the best of our ability, we will test that the automations are functioning properly.
Refund policy
A refund can only be requested before work begins on the automations. A 25% administration fee will be applied to any refund issued.